Knowing how to lift iron and perform bodyweight and cardio exercises remains a must for all trainers. However, there’s a difference between training yourself and others.I know all the fine points about performing various exercises. I also know the when, where, and how associated with the choice of exercises. I choose exercises wisely for clients in order for them to reach their goals.I expertise in knowing what particular exercises to line up in a session with a specific client, as well as the ability to match a client’s personality with a personalized workout routine that keeps them happy while still being effective.
“Do you even lift, bro?” is a typical snarky question directed to know-it-alls who don’t know anything about weight training. I don’t want my clients asking this question. I know a lot more than just how to perform exercises with proper form. I understand human anatomy, physiology, and more. Doing so makes it a lot easier to better assist clients. Also, clients are going to ask questions related to metabolism, proper muscle recovery, and nutrition. Knowing how the body works allows me to answer questions related to metabolism, proper muscle recovery, and nutrition accurately or to direct a client toward a good reference source.
Personal trainers are not nutritionists or dieticians. Still, I am prepared to hear a lot of questions about diet. I hear questions about fad diets and dietary supplements — two things competing for client dollars. I know enough about nutrition to advise clients on basic food choices. Suggesting proper amounts of carbohydrate intake for exercise energy or steering people away from bad food choices is my job.
Trainers who think they know everything fall quickly behind in an ever-changing industry. Sure, a lot of the “old school” training methods work. The basics of proper diet and exercise never really change, but the fitness industry does experience its changes and trends. I am on top of all changes and innovations. I benefit from continuing my learning. Anything that adds to or builds up a knowledge base is a positive. If I had a rule to follow, it would be to always seek to add and improve on current skills.
So are you looking for a professional, communicative & punctual trainer with extensive fitness skills? I would love to help you out.